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How Often to Post to Social Media – Here are 3 Thing to Know

A lot of businesses use social media to promote their products, gain exposure and build connections with customers. But depending on how often you post to social media, this could mean the difference between making meaningful connections or none at all. If you post too often, customers will quickly get tired of seeing your posts. Post too little and social media will forget you exist. So, if you are looking at how often to post to social media, you’ll want to keep in mind these three things.

  1. Limit Facebook posts to once per day: The urge to post many times on Facebook might seem like a good strategy since Facebook is a very popular social media platform, but is it actually better to limit your posts on Facebook. According to Social Bakers, the top companies such as Victoria’s Secret and Disney only posted “1 post a day.” There are consequences for companies who choose to post more than once per day as posting “more than 2 per day…will typically lose engagement.”
  2. Tweet More. Get More. But Tweet With Limits: Unlike Facebook where posting should really be limited, with Twitter you can tweet more frequently and get more engagement. According to Track Social, brands that are  tweeting “2-5 times per day they get more Retweets per Tweet…” The magic of high engagement did wear off after “5 Tweets per day.” The point of tweeting is not just how much you can fill up your Twitter Feed, but how much you can engage your customers, so tweet five times a day to get the most quality engagement.
  3. Linkedin Does Not Require Much: Linkedin is your best opportunity for reaching business decision makers. They are busy and skeptical. Don’t wear out your welcome and be sure your are providing valuable content. According to FastCompany, it’s recommended to do “20 posts per month” and this will allow you to “reach 60% of your audience.” This equals “one post per weekday.”

Now that you know how often to post on each site, get started creating great content! If you would like help writing your posts or even blogging to further enhance your social media strategy, please New Sky Websites. We’re here to help!



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Dawn Krueger